Custom Domain

Custom Domain(Beta) #

This feature is currently in beta stage and may encounter bugsšŸ›, please contact us immediately if you met them.

Donā€™t you think the domain is tooooo long for you, and you want to use your domain like https://webp.your-domain.tld?

No problem! Currently if you want to use custom domain, you need to do the following:

  1. Create a new Proxy with same configuration, so the old address( will not fail when switching.(optional)

  1. Click ā€œCustom Domainā€ and enter your wanted domain:

  1. Create CNAME and TXT records, once done, please click ā€œI have setup above DNS recordsā€

  1. Wait until ā€œpendingā€ becomes ā€œreadyā€.

  1. Once youā€™re ready to switch, click ā€œActivateā€, then your proxy is available in your custom domain

This process should normally takes about 3~5 minutes, but can be as long as 24hrs due to DNS propagate. If itā€™s stuck here, please contact us and weā€™ll take a look.
