
Cache #

Currently all the images will be cached and served from cache after first request, unless a “Purge cache” is triggered or cache space is full, thus it’ll have the following features:

  • Works like “Always Online”, as long as the image cached, it can be normally rendered even if your Origin is offline.
  • You can cache all your images by manually request them through proxy, this is so called “cache pre-heat”

Cache status #

From each proxy’s detailed page, you can see all the request logs, the Cache Status indicates whether an images is being rendered by WebP Cloud’s cache.

  • Hit means rendered by WebP Cloud’s cache.

  • Miss means it’s not in WebP Cloud’s cache, and WebP Cloud has to fetch that original image to render

  • Dynamic means the vistor’s device doesn’t support WebP/AVIF format so the original image format is being served, for example, the png format image.
    • Here “original image” might both mean cached png image by WebP Cloud(like Hit), or WebP Cloud has fetched image(like Miss)
    • Rendered image will still be EXIF removed to avoid unwanted privacy exposure.

You can find cache status in browser’s request too, for example, you can take a look at images’s response header.

Cache Limit #

All Proxies for free user will have 100MiB of cache, if you go beyond that, we’ll use “Least Recently Used” (LRU) algorithm for eviction, that’s to say, the least-requested content will be evicted from cache.